
Introducing the GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer

Dear Readers, GeoSolutions is proud to announce the availability of the GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer. Our GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer provides your organization with the warranty that your GeoServer deployment will not break and if it does we guarantee that we will fix it at no additional costs.  If you choose our services, thanks to the wide experience gained in supporting mid-size and large enterprise Environments, our team of renowned professionals will help your organization to monitor and maintain over time your deployment in order to achieve superior availability and performance. If you are interested in understanding more about what you could which this offer, please, take...

FOSS4G 2016

GeoSolutions’ Presentations at FOSS4G 2016

Dear Readers, As we have previously announced, GeoSolutions will be attending FOSS4G Bonn 2016, from 22nd to 26th of August. Our technical lead Andrea Aime together with our Director Simone Giannecchini will hold a few presentations involving GeoServer and MapStore: August 24th, Wednesday: MapStore 2, modern mashups with OL3, Leaflet and React. 11.00. More information here. Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: addressing real world requirements GeoServer. 14.30. More information here. August 25th, Thursday: Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence. 9.30. More information here. State of GeoServer. 11.00. More information here. GeoServer in Production: we do it, here is how! 11.30. More information here. Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer : mastering...

INSPIRE Conference 2016

Meet GeoSolutions at INSPIRE Conference 2016

Dear All, we are proud to announce that GeoSolutions is exhibiting at the INSPIRE Conference 2016 which will be held in Barcelona from 26h to 30th of September 2016.. GeoSolutions will be present with its own booth (check this page for the layout) therefore we'll be happy to talk to you about our open source products, like GeoServer and Mapstore, as well as about our Enterprise Support Services. We have also submitted a proposal for a 3H workshop on GeoServer, we will update this page as the program will become definitive. If you are interested in learning about how we can help you achieving...

GEO Business 2016

Material for our workshop at GEOBusiness Show 2016 in London

Dear All, first of all we thank all who has showed up at our booth as well as those who attended our workshop on GeoServer last week at the GEO Business Show  in London. As promised I am providing links to the presentations I have used during the workshop. As a baseline, I did covers most portions of the GeoServer Beginner presentation here below. but I also peaked into other presentations to go deep into various advanced concepts. First of all I used a presentation which covers Advanced Rendering with GeoServer. then I used a presentation which covers Advanced Projections Handling with GeoServer. but...

GEO Business 2016

Meet GeoSolutions at GEOBusiness Show 2016 in London

Dear All, this year GeoSolutions will be attending the GEO Business Show  a leading geospatial event held in London, UK on the 24th and 25th of May 2016. GEO Business has become one of the most important shows in the geospatial calendar, with 3000 international visitors expected to attend. The programme includes a two day conference featuring presentations from leading geospatial experts that will focus on geospatial economic efficiency, infrastructure, innovation and sustainability. The exhibition is free to attend and approximately 200 multinational companies will be present. A series of free-to-attend commercial workshops will be held to give visitor a ‘hands on’ experience into the...
