
GeoDataLab joins the network of GeoSolutions partners

Dear all, We are delighted to announce a strategic partnership with GeoDataLab, a leading Italian GIS company. This partnership enables GeoDataLab to strengthen its offer for geospatial services based on GeoServer open source software, at the same time GeoSolutions will gain a strategic partner with a strong footprint in Italy which is fully committed to supporting the widest possible adoption of open source products like GeoServer, GeoNode and MapStore.  GeoSolutions is aware of the need for professional services to support the implementation, deployment and maintenance of platforms based on open source geospatial products; therefore, it has decided to create a...


Free Webinar – A DevOps Perspective on GeoServer: Monitoring, Metering, Logging and Troubleshooting a GeoServer Installation

Update: please, find recording & slides at the end of the page in the comments section! Dear Reader, A proper GeoServer deployment does not end when we have gone into production, quite the contrary! As we usually say here, the fun starts when you go into production since despite all the preparation work we have done there is always something we have not taken into account or just because life is not perfect. It is crucial to plan and implement properly tools and procedures for the following topics (notice that the first three are also known as the pillars of...


Rilasciato il nuovo plugin RNDT per GeoNetwork 3.10

Dear reader, this post refers to the Italian metadata profile that follows the INSPIRE specification, so the following text is in Italian.GeoSolutions è fiera di annunciare il rilascio della versione 1.0 del plugin RNDT per GeoNetwork 3.10. A diversi anni dall'implementazione del primo profilo RNDT per GeoNetwork 2, GeoSolutions è tornata sullo sviluppo del plugin per la versione 2 di RNDT che segue le specifiche della Guida Operativa rilasciate da AgID a maggio del 2020. [caption id="attachment_6878" align="aligncenter" width="950"] Schermata di editing: metadati comuni[/caption] Molto è cambiato dalla versione del 2014: la stessa piattaforma GeoNetwork è nel tempo evoluta verso una...


Free Webinar – A DevOps perspective on GeoServer: Deployment planning guidelines

Dear Reader, The most important part of the work to be performed when setting up a geospatial platform based on GeoServer is to design and plan properly the deployment. As obvious as it may sound, we found that often customers we interact with, tend to lean towards overcomplicated set ups as they they focus on the technologies themselves rather than on the purpose of the platform that they want to deploy. The use cases and the target scenario to address shall drive the technological choice the resources to acquire and the procedures to put in place for managing data publication as well as the...


GEOFIT joins the network of GeoSolutions partners

Dear all, we are delighted to announce a strategic partnership with GEOFIT, a leading French GIS company. This partnership enables GEOFIT to strengthen its offer for geospatial services based on MapStore open source software both in France and internationally, at the same time GeoSolutions will gain a strategic partner with a strong footprint both in Europe as well as outside Europe, which is fully committed to supporting the widest possible adoption of open source products like GeoServer, GeoNode and MapStore worldwide.  About GeoFit GEOFIT has today the most efficient and innovative means to build geospatial databases, whether to describe an...
