

Rilascio del plugin RNDT per GeoNetwork 2.10

Salve a tutti, GeoSolutions è lieta di annunciare il rilascio ufficiale del plugin di GeoNetwork per la gestione e disseminazione di metadati secondo lo standard italiano RNDT. A questo link è possibile trovare: una  build completa di GeoNetwork 2.10 e lo zip contenente il solo plugin RNDT da installare su una installazione esistente I pacchetti a disposizione sono creati in automatico ogni qual volta viene effettuata una modifica o un fix a GeoNetwork o al plugin RNDT stesso. Per quanto riguarda la documentazione, facciamo riferimento alla documentazione standard di GeoNetwork disponibile a questo link, tuttavia per facilitare il compito di coloro che volessero utilizzare GeoNetwork...


GeoSolutions Presentations at FOSS4G 2014

Dear Readers, a couple of weeks have passed since the end of this year's wonderful FOSS4G hence it is time to publish the material we have presented in case someone wanted to go back and review it. Here below you can find the presentations that GeoSolutions team members Andrea Aime and Mauro Bartolomeoli gave during the presentations sessions. Raster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments [slideshare id=39467273&doc=nucjf3mlr6a8eizfeoa2-signature-d121a51515a17d2d4d58257138d9e20a921b294dbe73d15489412674ae34f064-poli-140924052952-phpapp01] Here is the video: Advanced Cartographic Map Rendering in GeoServer [slideshare id=39467167&doc=xbmpfygutmaao3xup8lq-signature-056e9bbbdf181a7e7a1b20b1416a8b18bf5c4439a23ff9f150f9b2daaea654e2-poli-140924052659-phpapp01] Advanced Security in GeoServer [slideshare id=39467272&doc=4uszgamzsde3mrq6qlgr-signature-d121a51515a17d2d4d58257138d9e20a921b294dbe73d15489412674ae34f064-poli-140924052952-phpapp01] Here is the video: Enjoy! The GeoSolutions team,


Getting curvey with Oracle Spatial and GeoServer

Dear readers, in this blog post we are going to introduce you to the new GeoServer curved geometry support that has been developed here at GeoSolutions. To date GeoServer was limited to handle geometries made of straight segments, but in the last years a number of spatial databases added support for geometries containing arcs of circles as well. GML also recognized the need for this kind of geometries, and has been supporting them (along with other curved geometry types) since GML 3.0. In GeoServer 2.6 (to be released September 2014) we have implemented support for geometries made of circular arcs, in particular: CircularString and CircularRing,...


JRC portal for the Danube area implemented in collaboration with GeoSolutions

Recently the DRDSI (Danube Reference Data Infrastructure and Services) portal was launched  to the development of which staff of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) together with staff members of GeoSolutions have contributed. The JRC, with the support of the scientific partners of the countries of the Danube, has launched the project to develop the Danube Reference Data Services and Infrastructure (DRDSI) that will facilitate access to scientific datasets comparable and harmonized on various issues related to the region, in support of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission coordinates this initiative, whose...


Il JRC lancia il portale DRDSI per il Danubio realizzato con GeoSolutions

Nei giorni scorsi è stato lanciato il  portale DRDSI -  Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure al cui sviluppo hanno contribuito, insieme allo staff del Joint Research Centre (JRC), alcuni componenti dello staff di GeoSolutions. Il JRC, con il supporto di partner scientifici dei paesi dell’area del Danubio, ha lanciato il progetto per sviluppare il Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure (DRDSI) che faciliterà l'accesso ai set di dati scientifici comparabili e armonizzati su vari temi legati alla regione, in supporto alla strategia UE per la regione del Danubio (EUSDR). Il Joint Research Centre della Commissione Europea coordina questa iniziativa,...



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