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Vote for our SaveMyBike Project, help us win RegioStars 2018 competition!

Dear Reader, we are glad to inform you that our R&D project SaveMyBike has been selected by the European Commission as one of the 21 finalists for the "REGIOSTARS AWARDS 2018" for Category 2 “Achieving sustainability through low carbon emissions”. The main target of the project is to simplify the way we refer to the soft mobility, to make it convenient, immediate, a certainty in everyday life; we want to make soft mobility a pleasant habit and not a further difficulty. Our aim is to relief cities from the oppression of cars, to rediscover the serenity of alternative transport modes, to take on city traffic...

Disasterrisk Featured Image

Afghanistan Disaster Risk Platform: Using GeoNode, GeoServer and MapStore to Help Resilient Development Planning

Dear Reader, in this post we want to talk about how we used GeoNode, GeoServer, and MapStore to build a platform for visualization and cost-benefit analysis to support decision makers with resilient development planning, public policy and investments in Afghanistan in cooperation with the GFDRR group at the World Bank. While in this post we will concentrate a little more on the technicalities behind the platform, in case you were interested more into the higher level motivations and objectives you can read this blog post from the GFDRR group. The goal of the project is to improve the decision-making and data-extraction capabilities for Afghanistan...


DECAT Platform: Early Warning & Alert Systems with GeoNode, GeoServer and MapStore

Dear Reader, in this post we want to talk about how we twisted and extended GeoNode, GeoServer, and MapStore to build a platform for emergency response and early warning for the DeCATastrophize European Project (acronym DECAT). DECAT Project Effective systems for early warning, mitigation of impacts, and emergency management can save lives and protect people, property and the environment in the event of natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the DECAT project is to design, implement and operate a geospatial decision support system to assess, prepare for and respond to multiple and/or simultaneous natural and man-made hazards and disasters in a synergistic way. The DECAT platform provides:...


Rilasciata nuova versione del profilo DCAT-AP IT per CKAN

Dear Reader, We apologize in advance, but this post is for our italian readers (hence in Italian only) to announce that we have finalized a new version of the DCAT-AP_IT Metadata Profile leveraging on the CKAN Open Data product. Siamo lieti di condividere con voi le ultime novità che caratterizzeranno la nuova versione dell’estensione CKAN per il supporto al profilo applicativo DCAT-AP_IT. Come forse molti di voi già sapranno il profilo per la documentazione dei dati delle pubbliche amministrazioni (DCAT-AP_IT), reso disponibile dall’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID), è nato con l’obiettivo di armonizzare i metadati con cui vengono descritti i dataset pubblici, al fine di...


HEV-E: leveraging on GeoNode to explore data for disaster risk management

Sharing data and information related to risk management is a stringent necessity. Natural events have an ever increasing impact on global population and assets, mostly in areas with reduced capabilities to deal with emergencies. Disaster management, prevention, and planning activities require access to the most up to date and detailed information available for a geographic area. Often data resides in some remote corners of the web hardly discoverable or, in the worst case, is kept segregated in local storage reducing or completely cancelling its value. Moreover data often lacks fundamental information (metadata) regarding its contents and formats. The GFDRR group of World Bank...



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