Exploring MapStore Release 2022.02: improved 3DTiles support and more – Free Webinar

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Dear Reader,
our popular Web GIS Client MapStore just had a new major release, complete information is available in this blog. As usual, we will host a webinar on January 24th 2023 to learn more about the new features, what is coming in the near future, and for you to interact with the core developers of MapStore. You can register here below for free!
This release introduces a wide range of new interesting features, here is a selection of our favorite ones.
3D WFS support and improved styling support for 3D data
MapStore 3D maps now support loading both WFS layers as well vector files (eg. SHP, GeoJson etc.). 3D styling for properties such as clamp to ground for polylines, depth test through the BillboardGraphics class of Cesium and the drape mode for polygons.
MapStore side Toolbar
In the Map Viewer user interface we introduced a new Side toolbar, replacing by default the burger menu where the various map plugins were located. The goal is to provide a (hopefully) more fluid user experience thanks to the ability to work with multiple tools at the same time.
Enhanced Dashboards and GeoStories
MapSwitcher in maps widgets, making it possible to define of multiple maps for the same map widget. In view mode it is possible to switch between configured maps through a dropdown switcher. Connections with other widgets are still possible and they are preserved while switching from a map to another one!
The Import and Export capabilities have been included also for Dashboard and GeoStories.
Authentication support for OpenID and Keycloak
MapStore now supports OpenID connect hence it is possible for MapStore users to authenticate through one of the given OpenID service supported (e.g. Google and Keycloak). This extends the existing user authentication capabilities provided so far by GeoServer and LDAP making MapStore even more suitable for more use cases.
Registration information
To learn more about the new features and interact with the core developers of MapStore (Lorenzo Natali and Tobia Di Pisa), I cordially invite you to a free webinar on Tuesday January 24th 2023 at 11:00 Eastern Time / 4:00 PM GMT / 5:00 PM CET (check other time zones here) by registering at the link below!
The GeoSolutions Team,