
GeoSolutions al FOSS4G-IT 2017 a Genova

Cari lettori, GeoSolutions sarà presente alla conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (FOSS4G-IT 2017) nei giorni dall'8 all'11 Febbraio 2017 a Genova (maggiori dettagli qui).  Durante l'evento verranno presentati i migliori lavori sull’utilizzo, lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle applicazioni libere e a codice aperto (Free and Open Source Software) in ambito GIS. La giornata dell' 8 Febbraio sarà dedicata a workshop introduttivi su GeoServer  e su GeoNode, nelle giornate successive (9 e 10 Febbraio) si terranno le conferenze su MapStore 2, GeoServer e GeoNode con interventi degli sviluppatori sul software libero sui principali progetti Desktop GIS e WebGIS. Di seguito...


GeoServer Code Sprint 2017

We have offered to host the GeoServer team for a Java 2017 code sprint to look at updating, fixing and documenting the the GeoServer REST API. The GeoServer REST API is used to remotely manage a GeoServer instance and has proven highly successful for automation, integration with other applications, with libraries for java and python remote management. The code sprint is dedicated to: Migrating from the restlet library to Spring MVC library. As an early adopter GeoServer selected the restlet library as best of breed at the time. It has not aged well, and Spring MVC represents a supported annotation based solution that is familiar to more...


Developer’s Corner: Latest performance optimizations in GeoServer

Dear Readers, in this post we would like to describe work that our GeoServer Technical Lead Andrea Aime, has done recently in response the test harness prepared by Camp2Camp to measure and compare performance and scalability of GeoServer, MapServer and QGIS Server against 3 OSM derived maps with points, lines and polygons. If you are interested the presentation (which is in French) you can find it here; if your French is as bad as mine, don't worry, the important pictures about performance are self explaning: [caption id="attachment_3200" align="alignnone" width="600"] Before optimizing GeoServer[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3201" align="alignnone" width="600"] After optimizing GeoServer[/caption] Ok, let us now go a little...



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