Silver Sponsor

GeoSolutions Silver OSGeo Sponsorship

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is pleased to welcome GeoSolutions to its sponsorship program. GeoSolutions builds on a deep commitment to open source with a Silver Sponsorship of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation for 2017. GeoSolutions is a long standing member of our community with a tradition of supporting regional and international events financially, and providing hands-on participation and direction for our OSGeo projects. In 2017 GeoSolutions has committed to financially support the local FOSS4G IT event, the global FOSS4G 2017 event in Boston, and the regional FOSS4G Europe event. In addition GeoSolutions has hosted a GeoServer code sprint (in-kind contributions go a...


GeoServer Code Sprint needs you

Dear Reader, everything is ready in GeoSolutions for next week's GeoServer code sprint which will take place in our offices during the week of March 27th. [caption id="attachment_3380" align="aligncenter" width="531"] Sprint 2017[/caption] The main focus will be on refactoring GeoServer's REST API towards a more modern approach (se this page for some insights). A number of GeoServer developers from various organizations will gather from all over world for this work and your support in funding this initiative would help us out with the expenses, therefore, we are asking help to all our readers. Sponsorship opportunities are available for you to contribute on the OSGeo wiki....


New release of MapStore 2 with theming support

Dear Reader, we are pleased to announce a new release of MapStore 2, our flagship Open Source webgis product, which we have called 2017.02.00. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but let us now concentrate on the latest most interesting additions. Advanced Theming The main Feature of this release is the possibility to have different themes, as shown in the Gallery below. [gallery type="slideshow" ids="3319,3320,3324,3325,3326,3321,3327,3328,3329,3330"] MapStore 2 was conceived with the goal to be highly customizable, therefore we have worked hard on the look and feel from the beginning to create a product that would easily adapt...


Finalmente disponibile il profilo DCAT-AP IT per CKAN

Dear Reader, We apologize in advance, but this post is for our italian readers (hence in Italian only) to announce that we have finalized the implementation of the DCAT-AP_IT Metadata Profile leveraging on the CKAN Open Data product. Siamo lieti di annunciare il primo rilascio dell’estensione CKAN per il supporto al profilo applicativo  DCAT-AP_IT nei portali open data italiani. Lo sviluppo è stato sostenuto, in uno sforzo congiunto, dalla Provincia di Bolzano/Sud Tirol e dalla Provincia di Trento ed è disponibile gratuitamente con licenza  AGPL v3.0. Il profilo per la documentazione dei dati delle pubbliche amministrazioni (DCAT-AP_IT), reso disponibile dall’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID), nasce...


First release of 2017 for MapStore 2 plus WFS Support

Dear Readers, we are pleased to announce a new release of MapStore 2, our flagship Open Source webgis product, which we have called 2017.01.00. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, but let us now concentrate on the latest most interesting additions. WFS Query on vector layers We have introduced the option to query vector layers via the OGC WFS protocol. This functionality can be accessed from the Layer TOC (Table Of Content) once a layer that which advertise the OGC WFS procotols is added from the OGC CSW catalog widget. [caption id="attachment_3281" align="alignnone" width="600"] Adding a...



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