Introducing the GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer

Dear Readers, GeoSolutions is proud to announce the availability of the GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer. Our GeoServer Deployment Warranty Offer provides your organization with the warranty that your GeoServer deployment will not break and if it does we guarantee that we will fix it at no additional costs.  If you choose our services, thanks to the wide experience gained in supporting mid-size and large enterprise Environments, our team of renowned professionals will help your organization to monitor and maintain over time your deployment in order to achieve superior availability and performance. If you are interested in understanding more about what you could which this offer, please, take...


Developer’s Corner: dynamic raster palettes and other spatiotemporal extensions for GeoServer

Dear Reader, today we would like to introduce a new community module that we have been working on: ncWMS like extensions to perform easy dynamic mapping over raster data. The first change introduced by the extension is the ability to easily add dynamic color palettes that will be applied on single banded raster data based on their statistics, but with the ability to control range and palette application from request parameters too. For example, let's say we want to create a simple red to blue progression, with the ncWMS extension installed we can simply create a new style, choose the...

MapStore 2 Mobile

MapStore 2: The new look&feel at work

Dear All, we just wanted to share with you the work that we are doing on MapStore 2. In previous posts we have described the reasoning behind the technological choices (see this post if you missed it) as well as the work being performed on the new look&feel (see this post if you missed it).  In this post we just want to point your attention to the current development release of MapStore 2 which has ben performed in conjunction with the first release of the new theme that depicts what the Look&Feel will look like in the  long term. Here below the main...


Developer’s Corner: Smart transparency in GeoServer with image/vnd.jpeg-png format

Dear reader, today we would like to introduce a new feature in GeoServer: smart transparency with image/vnd.jpeg-png format. When dealing with satellite and aerial imagery the JPEG output format is often preferred for its fast encoding and small output size. However, there are cases in which transparency is needed, maybe because the imagery is not covering the whole map area, or maybe because the user is free to select only certain image strips, and seeing though the basemap is a requirement. Thus far those scenarios were handled by falling back on the PNG format, paying the extra encoding time and size. To...

FOSS4G 2016

GeoSolutions’ Presentations at FOSS4G 2016

Dear Readers, As we have previously announced, GeoSolutions will be attending FOSS4G Bonn 2016, from 22nd to 26th of August. Our technical lead Andrea Aime together with our Director Simone Giannecchini will hold a few presentations involving GeoServer and MapStore: August 24th, Wednesday: MapStore 2, modern mashups with OL3, Leaflet and React. 11.00. More information here. Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: addressing real world requirements GeoServer. 14.30. More information here. August 25th, Thursday: Mastering Security with GeoServer and GeoFence. 9.30. More information here. State of GeoServer. 11.00. More information here. GeoServer in Production: we do it, here is how! 11.30. More information here. Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer : mastering...



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